Solutions List

SA digital solutions
We provides clients with access to Caxton's entire local news network of 59 sites with around 5 million users; its Facebook pages with a combined following of more than 2.8 million users; and its retail and video media platforms.
Our digital ad solutions can be bought in a premium or programmatic fashion, strategically targeting relevant audiences in a brand-safe environment using Caxton's data management platform. Resources are also available to assist you with the marketing, SEO, content and conversion optimisation on your next digital campaign. These solutions include:
News takeover
Provides you with 100% share of voice of the news section on a LNN site for 24 hours creating high visibility and impact.
Content takeover (roadblock)
Reduces noise from other brands when users are reading about your content.
Newsletter banners
Enjoy 100% share of voice by placing your brand directly into opted-in users inboxes.
Engage 2,8 million combined Facebook users through posts and boosted posts.
RON banners & interstitials
A premium direct audience solution that ensures you reach the relevant audiences.